To appoint Former First Deputy Al Wysinge...
<p>Chicago Police Department First Deputy Superintendent Alfonza Wyzinger testified before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights, which examined...
View ArticleSchool Buses For London
<p>We want to supply school buses to London because we are tired and the public are tired of overcrowded buses and bus stops with children. We figured that if we supply school buses then we can...
View ArticleFairer Fares for the UK
<p>Are you paying too much money for your daily commute?</p><p>Do you find it impossible to travel with anything other than your car?</p><p>Are public transport services...
View ArticleIncreased Neighborhood Police Presence
<p>Support the petition for an increased police presence along terrace Rd, the connecting streets, neighborhoods and alleys from Baseline Ave. to Foothill Ave. People should support this petition...
View ArticleLegalize Euthanasia
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Euthanasia is an option of death for patients with terminal illness, and denying their right to die would force the patients to suffer through intense...
View ArticleAbolish Cost of Legal Aid
<p>Carlow Women’s Aid is a voluntary organisation providing support and information for women who are experiencing or have experienced domestic violence and abuse in the home or close...
View ArticleCharter Communication services in Miner's...
<p>We, the residents of Miner's Creek subdivision, are petitioning to get Charter Communications in our neighborhood. Those that have signed this petition are interested in one...
View ArticleStop Australian detention centres
<p>When Refugees and asylum seekers come from starving or war torn countries looking for a safe place to live the Australian government does on of two things either...</p><p>1. Turns...
View ArticleBullet control - make lethal rounds illeg...
<p>This is a petition that will be sent to California Senators (Feinstein and Boxer) proposing to make the sale of lethal rounds illegal to anyone whose job does not require lethal rounds. If we...
View ArticleEnd Orca Captivity at SeaWorld
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This petition was created for the purpose of making the captivity of these animals in SeaWorld illegal.</span></p><p><span...
<p>We want the Police to give SmartWater to all homes across the capital to make the environment safe. SmartWater is a company with a traceable liquid that prevents crime and criminal activity....
View ArticleKinsley's law
<p>Kinsley's law â¤ï¸</p><p> </p><p>RIP sweet angel 12.3.2015</p><p>This sweet loving but most of all innocent child was abused by her mother and...
View ArticleJacobs Law
<p>Please take a moment to sign this petition to help protect the little ones who can't protect themselves. Jacobs law is a law that would make it mandatory for anybody who has ever been...
View ArticleBrett's Law
<p><strong>please sign this petition to help save other children's lives. We are trying to get as many signatures as we can to help make a law where anyone man or women who has physically...
View ArticleHelp and investment for Paignton
<p>Are you sick of seeing Torquay being at the forefront of any meaningful investment? Fed up of seeing a lovely family-friendly town being run into the ground by people who have no affinity with...
View ArticleBring the crush game back
<p>They took away the best game of the year for Brandeis and OC sing this so we can try and get it back </p>
View ArticleKaden's Law
<p>On January 20th, 2015, 16 month old Kaden Payne was brutally beat with blunt force trauma and was killed. The mother's boyfriend is now facing charges and awaiting trial. We, as...
View ArticleTrader Joe's for Northern KY
<p><a title="Trader Joe's Opening" href="" target="_blank">Imagine this is US!</a></p><p> </p><p><strong>SIGN THE...
View ArticleDemand smoking ban removed
<p>Due to the stress and drama at Roosevelt warm springs institute we the students must demand that the smoking ban be removed</p>
View ArticleStop Animal Cruelty
<p>We must spread awareness for animal rights.</p><p>Animal cruelty is most worse in these following countries:</p><p>Netherlands<br />Greece<br...
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