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ESA Disability Cuts

<p>In January the House of Lords blocked a move by the Government to cut ESA Disability payments by &pound;30 per week.</p><p>Peers in the upper chamber voted in January by 283 to 198 to send the cut to ESA back to MP's to be reconsidered. But ministers are planning to overturn that decision and reinstate the cut when the welfare reform and work bill returns to the House of Commons.</p><p>Latest News 8th March.</p><p>The House of Lords has now reluctantly backed down in their opposition to this bill which the government are pushing through.</p><p>"This is a black day for disabled people,&rdquo; warned the independent crossbencher Lord Low of Dalston, during the debate on Monday evening.</p><p>He added: &ldquo;The Commons have spoken decisively and we must now bow to their wishes, but we do so under protest.&rdquo; Lord Low also accused the government whips of &ldquo;working overtime last Wednesday night in the House of Commons, going round handing out bribes and blandishments like there was no tomorrow&rdquo;.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>By this action, the Government have betrayed the trust of disabled people.</p><p>Which is why I have started this petition, to shout with a loud voice and prevent this bill being passed before it comes into effect in April 2017.</p><h2 id="response-threshold-heading">Government will respond</h2><p>Government responds to all petitions that get more than 10,000&nbsp;signatures</p><p class="secondary">Waiting for 1 day for a government response</p><h2 id="debate-threshold-heading">At 100,000 signatures...</h2><p>At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in&nbsp;Parliament</p><h2>Share this petition</h2><ul class="petition-share"><li><a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?ref=responsive&u=https%3A%2F%2Fpetition.parliament.uk%2Fpetitions%2F124016" target="_blank" rel="external"> Facebook</a></li><li><a href="mailto:?body=https%3A%2F%2Fpetition.parliament.uk%2Fpetitions%2F124016&subject=Petition%3A%20Reverse%20the%20ESA%20disability%20benefit%20cut" target="_blank" rel="external"> Email</a></li><li><a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Petition%3A%20Reverse%20the%20ESA%20disability%20benefit%20cut&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpetition.parliament.uk%2Fpetitions%2F124016" target="_blank" rel="external"> Twitter</a></li></ul><p>&nbsp;</p>

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