<p><em><strong>Let's make america great again</strong></em>... A time with real talent and not nude selfies when there are real problem in our world! </p><p>I like many of you am sick and tired of the news covering the Kardashians. When they change their hair color or get lip injections or get lipo and think they can fool everyone into thinking they actually went to the gym for there new improved bodies (I.e. Butt jobs or liposuction from their stomach areas) I believe Kim Kardashian is as TERRIBLE as Donald Trump! She's one who has used a sex tap to gain not write, but let's be honest.. What is she really good at? </p><p> She undresses for a living and brags about the money it brings her to shut her critics up. What example is this setting for young women? How does that influence the millions that follow her? Her mother has done nothing but use her family no matter the cost! The youngest daughter was sleeping with a guy who was in his 20's when she was still a child. Her mother turned a blind eye. That same daughter started receiving injections and facial enhancements Before she was 18. What example are you setting for young women? This is beyond pathetic! It's time for E News to stop dumping them on us. We are tired and we don't care!!! How can we look down on strippers or porn stars? Isn't this essentially the same thing? Do we turn a blind eye because they have plastified themselves? Kim, is always trying to look smart, but when your naked 24/7 no one seems to care. Doesn't she have young kids? How can her daughter grow up with a woman who has no sense of anything except herself? </p><p>If she wants to be naked, that's fine. She has a husband! The whole world doesn't need to see her naked body. Some people intend on raising young intelligent women </p>