<p><strong>Funko</strong> is one of the leaders in designer figures. They are enjoyed around the world for creating fun and interesting collectibles for some of the biggest and most beloved franchises and fandoms ever.</p><p><strong>It's Always Sunny In Philadlphia</strong> has grown an immense and deeply loyal following over the last decade. With their rich storytelling and broad spectrum of characters and costumes over the years, it only makes sense that the two would combine like a grilled Charlie.</p><ul><li>It would be nice to at least have the main cast as Pops -<br />Charlie, Dee, Dennis, Frank, and Mac<br /><br /></li><li>These could have exclusives and endless variations - <br />Green man, bird lawyer, The Nightman Cometh costumes, crazy paddy, the Aluminum Monster, Dennis in the dress, 1776 versions, their Halloween costumes, Jersey Shore versions, bloody animated Christmas versions, Birds of War, Desert Rose/Desert Grape, Mantis Toboggan MD, 80s ski version, businessmen outfits, or a giant bird...<br /><br /></li><li>And then there are extended characters that could also make their way into either becoming pops, or possibly a mystery mini line -<br />The Waitress, Artemis, Rickety Cricket, the McPoyles especially Pappy, the Ponderosas, any of the gang's parents, Country Mac, Gail the Snail, any of the gang's parents, Shadynasty, Ben the Soldier</li></ul>