<p>The object of this petition is to present to Garmin Ltd. and Jeppessen the need for Class E surface area to be depicted on aircraft handheld and panel mounted GPS units.</p><p>It is difficult for pilots to determine the exact location of the boundaries of Class E airspace that extends from the surface upwards using only a Garmin GPS unit or a Garmin GPS unit accompanied by a paper sectional or non-georeferenced form of electronic sectional.</p><p>Operations that are conducted during times of low visibility, low ceilings, or inclimate weather conditions can lead to serious problems when transitioning airspace boundaries when basic VFR weather minimums change and airspace boundaries are unknown on the pilot's navigation device.</p><p>Being controlled airspace, Class E airspace is prone to more IFR traffic, especially during times of reduced visibility. This creates a safety hazard for all traffic operating under both VFR and IFR.</p><p>While flying within the Basic VFR Weather Minimums regulations set forth by 14 CFR Part 91.155 and the Special VFR Weather Minimums set forth by 14 CFR Part 91.157, it is legal for a pilot to operate in Class E airspace during times of reduced visibility and ceilings with a Special VFR clearance. If that airspace boundary is unknown it is much more difficult for the pilot to know when to contact the controlling agency to request the required clearance.</p><p>Adding the Class E airspace surface area to Garmin GPS units would improve safety as well as help pilots avoid violations by giving them the information needed to know where the airspace boundaries are in real time.</p>