<p><strong>I've always asked myself why doesn't Arizona have Conjugal visits?? Our neighbors to the left do and right. I would think that conjugal visits would be necessary for prisoners and families of prisoners in their rehabilitation and decrease repeat offenders. A big part of rehabilitation is haveing a support system, keeping families together isn't that the moral thing to do. Every letter, visit etc is what any man or woman in prison look forward to. You can talk to any prisoner in their own words would be " I don't know what I would do, if I didn't get a letter from my family or a visit" how many times do you hear my child will not know me because we don't spend enough time they hear my voice we visit a few hours a week or a month . How can you not feal the empathy? We visit our loved ones try to catch up on events the progress of our children and with the little time left discuss a positive future trying to keep their heads up and reassuring our loved ones well always be by their side and do what we can for them, for us for our children. Sometimes it doesn't always work out that way, unfortunately. Arizona has a high percentage of repeat offenders compared to California and New Mexico. Arizona percentages of divorce is in double digits again compared to California and New Mexico. We have a very high percentage of homo sexuality again compared to California and New Mexico. Do you see the connection here? If we had conjugal visits statistics will show decreased percentages of divorce, lower percentages of repeat offenders and much lower percentages of homo sexuality. Will you join me and sign this petition to allow our Arizona prisons have the opportunity for conjugal visits, it can also help these men and women look forward to something positive in their rehabilitation and encourage them to do better to have this privilege. </strong></p>