Airbnb, Boardroom, Moving fees
<p>We the home owners of Santa Rosalia demand the right to do AirBnb. </p><p>We the home owners of Santa Rosalia demand access to the so called HOA board...
View ArticleNo Medicare Freeze
<p>Dear Minister, Please help stop the Medicare Freeze. The government has cut the medicare rebate and will not increase it until at least 2020. Now citizens will pay a new or higher co-payment...
View ArticleProtect the Turtle's
<p>Our turtles have swam the ocean's for million's of years, peacefully maintaining the health of our grass beds and coral reefs. Unfortunately, our pollution, marine debris, over harvesting,...
View ArticleHelp Oxfam Empower A Poverty Free Future
<p>Oxfam’s purpose is help create lasting solutions to the injustice against poverty. Oxfam is apart of a global movement that implements change, empowers a free from poverty future....
View ArticleProtect the Great Barrier Reef
<p>The Great Barrier Reef needs to be saved. This beautiful reef is dying due to wastes humans produce. Don't let these marine animal's homes be destroyed. We need your help to address this issue...
View ArticlePrevent animal suffering and demand anima...
<div id="description"><div class="xs-phs mtm"><div class="mbl"><div class="type-break-word type-l description"><div class="rte js-description-content"><p>Over 500...
View Articlestop animal testing in Australia
<p>In Australia many companies test on animals, leaving the animals deformed and in pain. Sign this petition to ban animals from being tested on.</p>
View ArticleHelp pressure groups get more money
<p>Pressure Groups like World Vision, Unicef, Oxfam, RSPCA, Australian Red Cross and many others really rely on us to fundraise money. Signing this petition will mean that every family in...
View ArticleBring Faster Internet to Australia
<p>Australia has suffered long enough with their extremely poor internet connections only ranging from 0 bytes to 30 mbs a second of download speeds. Comparing that to US average national...
View ArticleReinforcing zoo enclosures
<p>To whom this may be of relevance to,</p><p>It has come to mine and many others' attention that people (particularly infants) can and will fall into animal enclosures. This has...
View ArticleStop farming oil in the Arctic
<p> </p><p>The Arctic is already paying the price for our fossil fuel habit. Northern Alaska is warming at twice the rate of the lower 48. The people of the North Slope see...
<p>This Petition is for all the gamer's who love Transformers Earth Wars on Android and IOS. This will hopefully convey a message to Space Ape so that they listen to the fans and know that even...
View ArticleHelp fund St. John's Ambulance to help sa...
<div id="description"><div class="xs-phs mtm"><div class="mbl"><div class="type-break-word type-l description"><div class="rte js-description-content"><p>St. John's...
View ArticleHelp The Whales!!
<p>Every year, thousands of whales are captured and killed by humans for meat, oil, blubber, scientific research and money. Even though many countries realised that we should protect these...
View ArticleEnd Greyhound Racing Cruelty
<p><strong>Background:</strong></p><p>- The greyhounds who do make it to the track are put at significant risk of sustaining serious injuries, such as broken...
View ArticleCease the Super Trawler
<p>The people of Australia should support the idea of banning the Super Trawlers in our waters with the help of our Prime Minister, Malcom Turnball because your decision will save the lives of...
View ArticleSave The W.A Sharks
<p>To be able to save the sharks of Western Australia by cleaning up our seas and ridding them of rubbish that may harm sharks by mistaking it for food and by helping us stop people from putting...
View ArticleChanging Lives
<p>St John Ambulance gives the opportunity for people to learn how to save, and even change lives of those who are in grave danger. We hold First Aid courses all over Australia for volunteers to...
View ArticleStart a no kill animal shelter in Benton ...
<p>The growing number of abandoned, abused and neglected dogs, puppies, cats and kittens has become a concern in Benton County. More and more we hear about feral cat colonies, dumped dogs around...
View ArticleBan The Live Export Trade
<p>Every year thousands of animals are subject to immense cruelty due to someone's religious beliefs. Australian animals such as sheep and cows are being exploited for the sake of another...
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