<p>Petition For Marvel to start putting short films at the beginning of their movies like Disney/Pixar. Since Disney now owns Marvel Studios, what better way to put their signature touch on the movies. A brief short focusing on an Avenger(s), or other Marvel Character doing mundane tasks. Similar to the ending scene that Marvel films are known for, with a little bit of content.</p><p>Set the scene: The Avengers minus Tony Stark sit eating breakfast in the communal kitchen. (Enter Tony Stark coming up for air from a science bender.) Bleary eyed he grabs his favorite coffee mug from the cabinet, a muffled "good morning" to his comrades in arms. Turning to the coffee pot he freezes. (Hawkeye begins to fidget in his seat) "who took the last cup of coffee" he questions, before turning to the group. No one responds. "Friday!" He commands. "It would appear Agent Barton finished the last of the pot, sir." Friday responds. "Clinton." Tony Growls, shooting a glare at Clint. Natasha chuckles into her cup of orange juice as Clint sheepishly offers Tony his half empty mug. End scene. </p><p>Is this a far fetched petition. Probably.. But change starts with one person. Captain America wants You to be that person.. Okay it's me. I want you to be that person. So please help me, help you, help me. Sign to see how far we can get this Idea to go!</p>