Channel: PetitionBuzz - New Petitions
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Please Remove Megyn Kelly as Debate Moder...

<p>We respectfully request Fox News remove Megyn Kelly as debate moderator for the Feb. 29, 2016 Republican Presidential Debate.&nbsp;</p><p>We the people watch these debates to be informed on the issues and the candidates views ON THOSE ISSUES.&nbsp; We have no interest in who called who what name, nor do we have any desire to watch another political assassination attempt.&nbsp; Considering the fact that Megyn Kelly looks like she is about to puke every time she hears Donald Trump's name, it seems logical to us to remove her from this process.</p><p>As a long time viewer and supporter, I ask you to honor this request and just so you understand I am not alone in this thinking, I brought a few of my friends.</p><p>Most Sincerely,</p><p>@BoudicaRides</p><p>Pat Schlegel</p>

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