<p><strong>You may ask why should I sign this?</strong></p><p><strong>1. So more babies like the one in the picture can live. </strong></p><p><strong><a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2710488/The-mother-toddler-sent-home-hospital-die-claims-daughter-making-miraculous-recovery-thanks-CANNABIS.html" target="_blank">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2710488/The-mother-toddler-sent-home-hospital-die-claims-daughter-making-miraculous-recovery-thanks-CANNABIS.html</a></strong></p><p> </p><p>2. This will be sent to the organizations that accredit and license our healthcare medical schools. if enough people sign they will change and include endocannabinoid system in their curriculum. Our Doctors and nurses will be educated on a vital system that is involved in health and disease.</p><p>3. You will be able to sit down with a doctor or nurse and have an intelligent discussion about your endocannabinoid system.</p><p>4. Who this will be sent to:</p><p><br />Association of American Medical Colleges <a href="http://AAMC.org">http://AAMC.org</a></p><p>Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges <a href="http://aanmc.org/">http://aanmc.org/</a></p><p><br />Council on Accreditation (COA) <a href="http://coanet.org/home/">http://coanet.org/home/</a></p><p><br /> Liaison Committee on Medical Education LCME <a href="http://www.lcme.org/">http://www.lcme.org/</a></p><p>Accreditation Commission For Education in Nursing (ACEN) http://www.acenursing.org/<br /><br /> If someone just found petition and does not understand and wants to learn more <strong>google "endocannabinoid system"</strong> or type the same into the youtube search. You may also visit us at our site <a href="http://lifewithcannabis.com">http://lifewithcannabis.com</a></p>